Fees for 2025 are shown below.

To discuss any aspects of our memberships please call on 0191 487 6014 or email subscriptions@ravensworthgolfclub.co.uk or

* Discount of £20 applied to any new member paying in full when joining. Payment can be made by standing order in 10 equal installments.

  • 7 Day Membership £785 *
  • 5 Day Membership £670 *
  • Flexible PlayMore.Golf Membership - See link below£300
  • Country Membership £350 *
  • Twighlight Membership** £350 *
  • Junior Membership (7 to 14) £Please Contact us For Further information
  • Intermediate Membership (18 to 19) £285 *
  • Intermediate Membership (20 to 21) £350 *
  • Intermediate Membership (22 to 24) £475 *
  • Intermediate Membership (25 ) £550 *
  • Social Members £20
  • Locker Rental (subject to availability) £35

All golf fees include England Golf Union and County fees totaling £18.25 per member.

Membership Benefits Include:

- Discounted drinks at the bar

- Discounted Visitor Green Fees at Southmoor, Hobson and Seaham Golf Clubs

- Membership of the 1906 Club which gives members courtesy or discounted green fees at around 60 clubs in the UK.

Click for further 1906 Club information

PlayMore.Golf Membership Info

* Country Membership available to those who reside outside a radius of 60 miles

** Twilight April to October after 4pm, 7 days a week subject

* Discount of £20 applied to any new member paying in full when joining. Payment can be made by standing order in 10 equal installmentss

Click on the link below to view our Membership Form. If you wish to become a member, please fill the form out and hand it into the Secretary.

Membership Form